Today a reader,
tomorrow a leader
The project “Reawakening the Values depicted in European Society via Literary Work” involves 4 schools from 4 European countries: Lithuania, Spain, Turkey, Latvia.
Today a reader,
tomorrow a leader
The project “Reawakening the Values depicted in European Society via Literary Work” involves 4 schools from 4 European countries: Lithuania, Spain, Turkey, Latvia.
About Project
Reading is fundamental to human development as it enables people to live full and meaningful lives and contribute to the all communities and societies. Reading skills have an impact on all aspects of daily life, from school to employment and from health care to social life.
The project “Reawakening the Values depicted in European Society via Literary Work” involves 4 schools from 4 European countries: Lithuania, Spain, Turkey, Latvia. This project aims at detecting and unearthing the intrinsic values the students have through reading.
International meetings
Lithuania | 20-24 January, 2020
The aims are to use innovative methods that make the process a fun learning experience for the students at detecting the values through the books they have read. The pupils revised their in-built feelings like responsibility, success, self-respect and self-esteem via books through innovative teaching methods. They read Lithuanian books and did cross-cultural activities. Read More
Spain | 9th March – 13th March, 2020
The aims are to use innovative methods that make the process a fun learning experience for the students at detecting the values through the books they have read. The pupils revised their in-built feelings like responsibility, success, self-respect and self-esteem via books through innovative teaching methods. They read Spanish books and did cross-cultural activities. Within the context of this study, our students discovered the virtues of Spanish nation by examining its work of literature and had the chance to increase their understanding of the Spanish culture. Read More
Our Facilities

Project community

Pages we read

Distance we will cover
Project Participants
About Us
Merkelio Rackausko gymnazium, Mazeikiai, Lithuania
Colegio Santo Ángel de la Guarda, Gijon, Spain
Sehit Omer Halisdemir Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Ankara, Turkey
Private Secondary School “Patnis”, Riga, Latvia
What Students Say

New experience gave us more benefits and it was worth to work hard that week. We really enjoyed this project.
Meda and Delfina

We and our Lithuanian families improved English skills. And last but not least we are happy to have new friends and connections around the world.
Rugile and Aiste

Projects like this includes us in new bonds between stundent from other countries, it also gives us a lot of information about other countries, their traditions, literature, culture and other values.